

Being a developer is frustrating

I've been struggling with this damn error for four hours. Why did I have to say this task was simple!? Dude, but the code is right, this error doesn't make sense. Putz! I needed to restart the service. It worked!

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3 tips to avoid code duplication in Laravel

One of the unofficial rules of programming says that: the amount of code written is directly linked to the number of errors created.

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5 thoughts on comments in code

Any programmer with some experience, especially one who has worked in a team, must have come across some comment like: "do not touch it", "this is where the magic happens" or "I do not know what this does".

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Is it worth graduating to be a programmer?

Programming is an extremely technical and practical activity. It is like being a car mechanic, it does not matter how many books you read on the subject, that does not make you a professional.

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Should you use API Resources with Laravel? Yes!

If you work with APIs in your Laravel application and still do not use API Resources, it is very likely that your code is not up to scratch.

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