Being a developer is frustrating

Thiago Alves • 05/29/2020

I've been struggling with this damn error for four hours. Why did I have to say this task was simple!? Dude, but the code is right, this error doesn't make sense. Putz! I needed to restart the service. It worked!

- Thiago, we have an error in production, our customer says he can't update his password.

I wonder: what kind of person bothers changing their shopping website password on Friday at 5:50pm?

It's working for me! I'll have to check the logs and see what happened. There is nothing there. That's weird! It looks like it's not loading. Internet dropped.

- The client sent a print via chat, I'll send it to you.

Screenshot of the error

I code in PHP, but I want to learn Python. Python nothing, everyone wants Javascript devs, it's the future. Should I start with Angular, Vue or React? Angular is from Google, React from Facebook. Vue is easier. I give up, I'm going to learn Java and develop mobiles apps for Andoird, but now this is made with Kotlin. Oh, PHP 8 is coming out!

- So, to do this, you need to trigger an event and create a Listener that will place a Job in the Redis queue.

Got it! But what is a Listener? And Job? And this Redis guy?

Man, how I hate working with templates. What a boring task.

The bad thing about working with products is that it seems like we're always doing the same thing, there isn't that diversity of tasks. On the other hand, I don't like jumping from project to project, the code becomes a mess because there isn't enough time to do things the best way.

- Did you see that there is a vacancy paying a lot of money for COBOL programmers?

I need to refactor this here. This class depends on this one here, which depends on that one there. I think if I touch this now I will waste a lot of time. Today I would do this in a completely different way. I'll refactor it.

Slack notification. I'm not going to see that now, I need to finish this task soon.

Phone rings.

- Thiago, can you take a look at slack, I need help solving a problem here.


- I think I got it, I don't need it anymore.

I should do something else with my life, try a less stressful profession where I don't have to stay in front of the computer all day, talk to people. Although I don't like people that much and here I can do my job quietly, listening to music.

- Wow, it's already late!

I finally managed to finish this task, I can't believe it, I spent too much time on it. I knew I had forgotten something, I haven't written the tests yet. Well they say to do that first. I need a coffee. Coffee is over.

Thiago Alves

Thiago Alves

Software Engineer, in the software development market since 2011. Specialist in PHP, Laravel and Vue.js.

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